Sunday School
In a day when Sunday School is a thing of the past in many churches (they don’t have Sunday School anymore), this ministry is alive and well at Harvest Hills Baptist Church. Almost every adult who comes to our morning church service has already been in a vibrant Sunday School class. Our Adult Department is currently divided into age groups, so you will have the opportunity to get to know, fellowship with, interact, and learn God’s Word with people your own age.
Truth Seekers
Wednesday night is an exciting night for the adults at Harvest Hills Baptist Church. While the church’s children are in Truth Trackers, and the teenagers are in Truth for Youth, our adults have their own program—Truth Seekers. This Wednesday night ministry includes singing, praying together, sharing testimonies and blessings, memorizing Scripture, and listening to a Bible study conducted by our senior pastor.
For the Ladies
The ladies of Harvest Hills Baptist Church often get together for casual dinners, informal get-togethers, bridal and baby showers, etc. They always look forward to their annual Mother – Daughter Banquet each May. Perhaps they’re getting together to fix “care packages” to send to our church’s college students. Maybe it’s Stampin’ Up party time, or an informal planning meeting for Vacation Bible School. There’s always something going on for the ladies of HHBC.
For the Men
For years it seemed like the men of Harvest Hills Baptist Church were always staying home watching the children while the ladies of the church had their dinners, meetings, and activities. One of our men asked the pastor, “After the ladies have their next finger-food dinner, why don’t we have a men’s steak cook-out?” That was the beginning of our men’s fellowships. Our men now enjoy getting together for a bowling activity, a “real man’s breakfast” in our new cafeteria, a night of volleyball in the gym, a game of softball at the park, or a barbeque behind the church or in someone’s back yard. Then there was the night the younger men played flag football out back, while the older men had a Racko tournament in the Fellowship Hall. Each men’s activity includes a brief Bible devotional or discussion. Periodically, the men also get together for D & D (Dinner and Discussion) Nights.
For Everyone
There’s the All-church Valentine Banquet, the 4th of July Giant Picnic, the Winter Volleyball Tournament, the Family Gym Super-Team Marathon activity, and more. Our all-adult (or all-church family) activities provide opportunities for us to get to know each other better, and to serve each other. This helps us build lasting friendships and promotes strong Christian unity. It also gives us an opportunity for outreach—as we seek to introduce others to our church and, more importantly, to the Lord Jesus Christ.